Thursday, June 14, 2012

The ILTI Journey Continues

The ILTI Journey Continues

 Pat, from Kansas City, led our Philippians inductive study yesterday, challenging us to consider ways that unify the body of Christ.  One African brother said suffering is a unifying factor of the body of Christ in his country.  Serving and loving others, looking out for the best interest of others, sharing in community activities, and willingness to ask for and receive forgiveness can all be unifying factors in the body of Christ.

Harold, from Colombia and Chicago, led Bible study today.  He encouraged us to put others' needs above our own.  We do this by putting God first.

Tedd Lodes, LEI's Director of Latin America and the Director of ILTI this year, gave his testimony in chapel yesterday. He told of how God directed his path to Literacy & Evangelism through his encounters with Dr. Bob Rice, founder of LEI.  Tedd shared what a privilege it was to travel with Dr. Rice.  If Tedd had not accepted the one invitation he was given, he would have missed the opportunity since the trip they shared was Dr. Rice's last mission trip around the world.

Erin, from Illinois, shared her testimony of God's faithfulness even through difficult times entitled Thank God for the Pain. Tania, from Bulgaria, accompanied our worship on the piano. 
Pastor Innocent, from Ivory Coast, Africa, demonstrates, to his fellow students, the beginning steps of English language instruction.  He is holding a copy of Using Everyday English the curriculum written by Reverend Don Edic.

We are so grateful to the ladies from Kirk of the Hills Church and Grace Bible Church, who have brought and served the noon day meals for our students and instructors this week.  This act of kindness truly displays what Paul was talking about when he said, "I thank my God every time I remember you.  In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel." (Philippians 1:3-5) These ladies have used their gifts and talents to bless the body of Christ and further his gospel in their unique way.

posted by Christa

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