English Language Training is Complete
Yesterday was the final day for English Language Training and certificates were handed out today. We said farewell to Reverend Don Edic, English Language Curriculum Development Director, and began to turn our thoughts to Adult Literacy. Reverend John Taylor, International Nepal Fellowship -US, shared about Literacy ministry in Napal. A literacy overview and phonics overview were given by Dr. Nancy Sue Laminack, LEI missionary, visiting us from Georgia.
Erin, from Bible League International, led us in our early morning inductive Bible study over Philippians 3. We observed that Paul pressed on "to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of (him)" (verse 12, NIV) because "our citizenship is in heaven." The Lord Jesus "will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body."(verse 21, NIV) Erin led us to compare our earthly citizenship - some of us coming from the US, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Bulgaria, Togo, South Africa, Nigeria, Colombia, or Kenya - to our heavenly citizenship. Jacinda Melson, LEI Short-term Teams Coordinator, shared a profound quote she had recently read on Ann Voscamp's blog, "When heaven is really your motherland, then prayer is really your mother tongue, and you can't help but yearn to speak in the language of your Father, now. " This was a very apt description of these faithful students who have journeyed from far and wide to come to Tulsa for literacy evangelism training. They long to serve their heavenly Father faithfully as they actively "press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called (us) heavenward in Christ Jesus" (verse 14, NIV).
Reverend Ted, from Bible League International, shared his life's story outlining his call to God's service by comparing it with three Bible characters Jeremiah who was called by God, "set apart" even before he was born; Abraham who was called away from his family, country, and friends to travel to a new promised land; then finally, Paul and Silas who longed to travel in one direction, but were kept, by the Holy Spirit's leading, from going to the land they desired. Looking back, Ted sees God's hand even in the changes, turns, and closed doors of the journey. Our job is to be open and willing to say, "Yes," wherever and however the Lord leads.
posted by Christa
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