Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nearly Through ILTI Week Two

Nearly Through ILTI Week Two

Rosanne (from Colorado) led our Philippians Bible study on Wednesday morning and also spoke in chapel.  With the heart of a servant, one of the  questions she often asks others is, "What do you need?" What Rosanne means by this is, "What can I do to fill the biggest gaps of need in your life at present?"  When she asks this question, she is fully prepared to do what she can to help, being God's hands in action. After spending 20 years in the corporate world in the US and overseas, Rosanne is an expert in employee staff development, leadership training, conflict resolution, and mentoring.  As we looked at Philippians 4:2-9 she challenged us to consider the benefits of keeping unity in the body of Christ and the devastating consequences of disunity.  In all circumstances we are called to rejoice in the Lord and pray with thankful hearts.  This is an especially poignant challenge as we continue to pray for those who have lost friends and loved ones in the recent bombings targeted at Christians in Nigeria this past week. Yet we know that only God is able to bless us with peace beyond our understanding.  We are called to build unity in our community by serving others, having thankful attitudes, striving for peace, and counting others' needs above our own.  We are thankful for the ways God has trained Rosanne in the corporate arena as she continues to serve others in significant ways in Jesus' name.


 Dr. Nancy Sue , Dr. Phil , Reverend Bob , and Christa began teaching the Literacy Tutor Training Workshop on Wednesday.  There is a lot for students to learn in three days' time.

David, from Togo, West Africa, led the last part of our inductive Bible study (Philippians 4) on Thursday.  David explained that the Philippians not only told Paul how much they loved him, but they demonstrated their love by sending a love offering to meet his needs in prison.  In our times of need we are encouraged as we watch God provide for us.  David reminded us that God knows what we need.  He cares for us because we are very important and precious to him.

In Thursday's chapel, Dr. Nancy Sue (from Georgia) shared how her life has been like a patchwork quilt - made up of small scraps of fabric, nothing wasted, useful for warmth and comfort - rather than a tapestry - beautiful but only useful for hanging on a wall for show.  She told of how, even before she was born- God had a plan for her life, knowing how all the scraps of fabric would fit beautifully together.  She told of how, despite very painful experiences, God taught her to forgive and love others unconditionally.   

ILTI students pause for a class photo before those taking only Module I prepare to leave and return to their homes.  Some of us will not meet again this side of heaven, but friendships have been forged that will last an eternity.  

posted by Christa

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