Friday, May 02, 2008


Dr. Nam-Joog Yoon, Hon. Advisor of FHI Federation / Chairman, Board of Directors, KFHI (Korea Food for the Hungry International)

Dr. Yoon and I had a cordial greeting and conversation over dinner the opening evening of the FHI Federation April 2008 gathering. The next day he gave me an energetic embrace. Since our initial greeting a day earlier he had come to realize that I was the son of Korean missionaries Alice & Bob Rice. He told me that my mother had been his English teacher in the 1950’s.

“It is my pleasure to serve you as I served your father.” - Professor Nam Kim, PhD;
LEI Asia Director

How does one respond to the above….

“Camsamnida” is the transliteration for Korean which means “a very reverent Thank You”. But even the most reverent “Thank You” falls short.

My heritage never ceases to amaze and humble me.

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