I was startled again as I read through Matthew chapter 15.
The story unfolds of a woman who comes shouting to Jesus, “Lord and Son of David, have pit on me!
My daughter is full of demons.” (vs. 22 CEV)
This next line is truly amazing to me, “Jesus did not say a word”.
Jesus ignored the profound need of this woman.
How could he be so insensitive?
How could he not respond to this CRY from a mother so engulfed in pain?
Verse 24 tells us. “Jesus said, “I was sent only to the people of Israel!” What an amazing level of strategic focus. It seems cold hearted, but Jesus reveals he was on a mission to a specific group of people even at the expense of others. Jesus knew his calling. This clarity of focus, allowed him to expend all of his energy, creativity and passion on one thing. It afforded him the ability to say, “NO”, to that which he was not called. This allowed his power to be focused, to do the miraculous.
I believe as followers of Jesus, we too are called to clarify who our “Israel” is. We need to determine who God has called us to serve. Too many Christians are trying to do it all, trying to serve everyone with limited success, rather than choosing one thing and doing it with GREATNESS. Too many Christians are “tired from carrying heavy burdens.” Jesus instructs us by saying, “come to me and I will give you rest. Take THE yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30 CEV)
God is graciously saying you don’t have to do it all. Jesus in his caring spirit says let go of your many burdens (The scripture text is in the plural) and says take “the yoke” (that’s singular). Jesus is compelling us to enter his rest, by carrying just one thing. It will be light and you will enter into a season of freedom found by a singular call/focus.
Choose one thing and do it with all your passion, energy and creativity. Choose to do something with GREATNESS. Choose to accomplish one Great thing for the kingdom of God and you will find a burden that is "light.”
Less is more.
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