Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Last Flight

It was an icy cold morning. Oklahoma City airport was closed. Kansas City was closed and Tulsa was next on the list due to severe icing conditions. My hope was diminishing, but God had a purpose for me getting on the last flight out of Tulsa before the airport closed for the day.

The next morning I preached at First Presbyterian Church in Metuchen, NJ. I concluded my message with the following. “I would normally stop here. But for some reason, God wanted me to be here today. I literally caught the last flight out of Tulsa, Oklahoma before they closed the airport. From Dallas to Kansas City flights were being cancelled and airports were being closed due to an intense winter storm. But for some reason God in his providence, said, “Sid I want you in Metuchen this morning”. So I would like to finish with one final point.”

My sermon addressed the theme, which is woven throughout the Biblical narrative, that when someone cries God responds. (See sermon “Who Cares?”) I went on to say, “The CRY that God is most sensitive to is this, “Jesus I want to be your follower. I’ve done things that haven’t been in your perfect plan for my life. Forgive me. I want you to be my leader, my Lord. I want you to rescue me from myself. I know I need your help.” That’s the cry that God is most attuned too…. If you’re not sure what it means to be a follower of Jesus, please talk to pastor Sam or Pastor Paul or someone that you know who passionately follows Jesus.” And then I closed in prayer.

Before the flight left Tulsa, even after I boarded the plane, I couldn't help begin to make mental notes of the list of contacts that I would need to call to cancel appointments for the next couple days. As I look back, I feel chided by God saying, “You of little faith…I will accomplish my purposes”.

I am particularly grateful for the prayers of family, friends and those on the LEI (Literacy & Evangelism International) staff who were holding me in their thoughts and prayers as the last flight lifted off the ground mid-day on Saturday January 14th, 2007 from Tulsa International airport.

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