Thursday, July 05, 2012

ILTI After the 4th of July Celebration

Back to normal after a great Independence Day Celebration!

Students and LEI staff hosted a tremendous 4th of July picnic.  Being right next door to the fireworks display added to the fun as nearly 100 friends and family members joined in the festivities.

Ted (USA) led the early morning Bible study, Daniel 3:13-23.  King Nebuchadnezzar's temper exploded like fireworks as three Jewish friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, refused to bow down to the king's golden statue or worship the king's gods regardless of the consequences.  Their reply to the king: "If you throw us into the hot furnace, the God we serve can save us... But even if God does not save us, we want you to know, King, that we refuse to serve your gods." (Daniel 3:17-18, EtRV)  The king told his soldiers to tie the God worshipers tightly and throw them into the furnace, stoked to seven times its usual heat.  These three brave men stood firm in faith when there faith was tested.  It reminded us of our earlier study of Philippians when Paul stated, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21, NIV).  Daniel's three friends spoke the truth, stood firm, remained faithful to our Lord, and let the consequences come.  Tomorrow we will find out the results of their faithful witness.

Pastor Innocent (born in Lagos State, Nigeria, West Africa, but serving in Ivory Coast, West Africa) shared his testimony in chapel as he described the Lord's plans for his life.   Originally, Innocent had plans of his own that he thought were better than theLord's.  The canon from his Anglican church once spoke to Innocent's father and told him that Innocent should go to seminary.  God wanted him to be an Anglican priest.  But Innocent thought he would rather become a chemical engineer because of the rich oil business that flourished in the area where he grew up.  God was calling Innocent to the ministry, but it was some time before he was ready to say yes to full time Christian service.  In the mean time, as Innocent was walking in the opposite direction and bargaining with the Lord trying to convince God that his idea was a better one, Innocent suffered.  After a series of strange instances, God got Innocent's attention, and Innocent surrendered to the call of becoming an Anglican priest.  Innocent found great favor with the authorities in his church.  He quickly graduated from seminary and was given a church parish to lead.  Some of the churches he served were small and the conditions quite poor.  Within months, Innocent found favor with the people in the communities, the churches began to grow, land was miraculously purchased, and meeting places were built.  Innocent was faithful to the call and God was faithful to supply all of their needs.  When he and his wife were called to serve in another country (Ivory Coast, West Africa) Innocent told his wife, "I do not want to go."  His wife said wisely, "If you won't go, God will deal with you, and we will suffer.  You have to go."  The work has not been easy, but since their time of service in Ivory Coast, many churches have been planted.  As Innocent has followed the Lord faithfully, the Lord has been faithful to him.  "The one who calls you is faithful..." (1 Thessalonians 5:24, NIV)

Guest teacher, Greg Bennett, continues to teach the steps of project management.  These skills are crucial to setting up successful literacy programs.

Martha Rusco provided another tremendous lunch for our students.  This amazing woman has organized and prepared at least one meal per week since the students arrived.  We are grateful to all who have helped feed our flock.

posted by Christa

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