ILTI Reaches the Half-way Point
The 5 week ILTI training has reached the half way mark.
When I spend lengthy amounts of time with ILTI students, I feel like I have entered another world. When I drive home, each evening, it feels like all the African, Latin, Anglo and Asian Americans I meet should speak with an accent or speak a foreign tongue that needs translation. It's strange to think that I am in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with this intense international Christian event happening right here at my doorstep. It is truly an honor to hear the stories of our brothers and sisters from across the world. Many are suffering to serve the Lord while using literacy evangelism to proclaim the love of Jesus.
Pastor Innocent sat in the teacher's chair this morning and led us through the inductive Bible study of Daniel 2:12-23. Since King Nebuchadnezzar's wise men could not tell and interpret his dream, he angrily told his guards to execute them all. This genocide edict included Daniel and his friends. Yet, because of God's favor, the king allowed Daniel to intercede on behalf of all who were under this edict. We discovered the steps that Daniel used to do this (2:14-18). Daniel spoke politely and respectfully with Arioch, the commander of the king's guards, even though this man had come to execute him. Daniel calmly asked for an explanation and got it. Daniel courageously went to King Nebuchadnezzar and asked respectfully for more time, which he was miraculously given (unlike the other wise men in 2:9). Daniel explained the situation to his friends and asked them to join him in prayers of intercession to God for understanding (It is good to have a few close prayer partners who are prepared to support one another when suffering comes). And God responded by revealing the dream and its interpretation to Daniel. Daniel immediately responded in humility with devoted worship. Daniel found favor with men because he acted wisely, calmly and courageously. He did not panic or overreact to make the situation worse. Daniel received favor from God because he was faithful, humble, and relied completely on God for the answer to their dilemma. We would do well to dare to follow Daniel's example.
Dr. Funlola, from South Africa, started chapel by saying her story intertwines with each of our stories, and all of our stories intertwine with The Story. She told her father's story, since it was the preface to her own. Funlola's father was a construction worker and a great story teller. Funlola's grandfather was not a Christian, but at an early age, a Methodist missionary shared Jesus' story with her father, and he became a follower of Jesus. Her father, being the oldest son and very respected, lead his brothers away from idol worship to become followers of Jesus. Though her father was not perfect, he forgave easily (he had a big and tender heart), and he was a very generous man (he often welcomed family members and complete strangers into his home). He considered himself a recipient of great mercy. One day his two legs were broken by a falling tree. The accident could have killed him, but he was rescued and his body carried no further effects of the accident after his legs were healed. Funlola's father reminded God and his family, again and again, of God's faithfulness. "Blessed be the name of the Lord". 2 Timothy 1:12 (KJV) ...I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
Thank you, once again, for the Ruscos and the Buckmasters who served lunch today.
Avid bloggers and facebook followers may already know this, but I have discovered that when our blogs are read through facebook, some of the photos don't appear. Going to Sid's blog site is the best way for LEI followers to receive the full effect of pictures plus text. Enjoy sharing in the journey!
posted by Christa
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