Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas letter

Rice Reflections December 2007

As we reflect over this year of 2007, we remember that God is faithful even in the midst of the storms swirling around us. Today marks the fourth day that Tulsa has been ravaged by power outage, downed trees, and post ice storm clean up. The explosive sounds of huge tree branches breaking and falling because of the weight of layers of ice earlier in the week has given way to the mechanical roar of chainsaws and mulching trucks. Schools and businesses have been closed all week, families have been without heat and hot water, and neighbors and families have shared what resources they have with those who are without. This is the second ice storm this year to shut down the city and most of the state. In this 100th anniversary celebration of our statehood, the Pioneer Spirit and determination of Oklahomans has risen to the top as people cook meals over open fireplaces, use kerosene lamps and candles for light, check on the elderly, visit coffee shops that still have power to check e-mails, and visit friends to recharge cell phone batteries. We know that many have walked through storms of their own lately. Wild fires, tornadoes, war in the Middle East, and the loss of loved ones are only a few of the myriad of tragedies that have rocked our world this year. It is so reassuring to know that God walks with us through the storms in our lives if we ask him to.

This February Sid will be celebrating his second year as director with Literacy and Evangelism International. He has traveled throughout the states this year visiting churches saying, “Thank you,” to those who have faithfully supported LEI throughout the 40 years since its inception. He has also been able to travel literally around the world visiting partners in ministry in South Korea and Africa. The ministry of sharing the gift of literacy flourishes as it is intertwined with sharing the gift of friendship with Jesus Christ.

This is the eighth year that Christa has been teaching at Jenks East Intermediate School and her seventh year of teaching fifth grade language arts and American history. One of the highlights of her year came this summer when she had her teaching partner were chosen to attend the Colonial Williams Teacher’s Institute in the historic triangle of Virginia. It was especially significant to have visited in the year in which Jamestown was commemorating the 400th year of the first English settlement in America. A second highlight will come this January when the siblings all gather in Michigan to celebrate the 80th birthday of Christa’s dad, Dave Weikal.

Philip, 23, graduated early from the University of Oklahoma this past January completing a Letters major. Playing guitar, writing music, and traveling continue to be his favorite past times. He toured the east coast this spring playing electric guitar with a band called Death Star and the White Dwarfs. The Neighborhood, Philip’s original band, produced and released a CD this fall. (You can visit their web site at to find out more). He continues to pay his bills by working as a barista at Starbucks on Campus Corner in Norman, Oklahoma. This job gives the flexibility he needs to be able to travel abroad. He helped lead a Christian conference in Switzerland this past summer.

Daniel, 21, is a junior at OU this year. He continues to work for a Tulsa based renovation and construction company as often as his busy college schedule allows and does free lance construction work on the side while he is in Norman. We enjoy having him pop in on weekends to do his laundry and to work his part time construction job. As a construction science major, he will have two more years of college to go after this year. Daniel’s big news for 2007 is that he and his high school sweetheart, Shelby, are engaged. We adore Shelby and will be thrilled to have a daughter join our family after all these years.

David, 17, is a junior at Jenks High School. His musical talents continue to flourish as he continues taking piano lessons and decided to teach himself how to play bass guitar as well. He is still our family’s tech consultant and is concurrently enrolled at Tulsa Technology Center. He has finally found a school that will challenge him in his favorite field of computer technology. (In the past he has commented that “school” sometimes interfered with his learning as he would buy computer books and read them from cover to cover.) When he has successfully completed this year of training, he will be a Cisco Certified Network Associate.

The guys took their “Manly Adventure” this year in the Pecos wilderness of New Mexico. Sid, his brother Willis, our three guys, and one of their friends hiked and back packed for a week in the Rocky Mountains. This is a time that the boys look forward to year after year.

In closing we reflect upon your friendship and all you have meant to us over the years. Our prayer for you in 2008 is that you will be blessed by the Lord’s favor and will find peace and kindness beyond measure. You are in our hearts and in our fondest thoughts.

Love, Sid and Christa Rice

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