Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Same Geology

September 26, 2007

What a joy to travel to Machakos (S.E. of Nairobi), to see Rhoda from the 2007 Tulsa International Literacy Training Institute. She was working with Free Pentecostal Fellowship of Kenya facilitating a three day Teacher Training Workshop. The class consisted of 35 students from 29 churches. Their practice included using basic readers in either Maasai, Kiswahili or KaKamba.

Here’s Rhoda demonstrating the LEI teaching method.

Rhoda and her colleagues are using a unique blend of Micro Finances and Literacy. The micro loans are actually generated through the pooling of funds rather than receiving outside investments. They’ve found that as small businesses have sprung up, there is a natural demand for literacy programs. It’s a creative blend.

I was privileged to encourage the class during a time of devotion...

As Joseph Matheka (Director of Partners in Literacy Ministries) and I walked along the road from the outskirts of Machakos back into town to catch a bus to Nairobi, I couldn't help but notice that East Africa has stand stone and limestone deposits much the same as the great plains of North America. This similar geology struck me as a larger pattern of God’s design. His handiwork spans the globe with a familiar beauty. As we walked I shared this observation with Joseph. Even as I shared I began to realize that there is similar spiritual geology which has formed around the globe through the work of Christ.

On the other side of the world, whether in Africa, Asia or the Americas the beauty of God’s DNA is evident in those who have chosen to follow Jesus. We are brothers and sisters instantly bonded together through our common faith, our common leader. What a beautiful thing to behold, the unity in Christ Jesus.

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