Partners w/ PALM (Partners in Literacy Missions – formerly LEFK (Literacy & Evangelism Fellowship of Kenya))

PALM’S Executive Director – Joseph Matheka ****
In 1973 through the help of LEI a society was formed. In 1988 to present PALM represents the most significant NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in Eastern Africa addressing the opportunity of literacy mission with Bible content curriculum. They work directly with the department of Education of Kenya and have to date developed primers/basic readers in 12 different languages in Kenya and surrounding countries.
My journey to Kenya was at the invitation of PALM’S executive director Joseph Matheka. The offer to visit included a request for friendship and an expanded foundation of openness and cooperation between PALM and LEI. I broke bread, prayed and laughed with Joseph, his staff, PALM’S Board of Directors, his family, and incredibly supportive wife Martina. It was my joy to walk beside my new friend into Nairobi slums and out to rural villages to touch the hearts of those being transformed through the work of literacy missions. I experienced first hand a man of God who has an enormous compassion for the illiterate across Eastern Africa.

“Who is this strange white man that Dad brought home for dinner?”
(Joseph’s family)
We at LEI count it a privilege to call PALM our strategic partner. We continue the process of exploring what that means practically. At minimum it means they are the boots on the ground in Kenya for adult literacy and adjoining countries. Everything LEI does in these countries is either at the request or with the full awareness and cooperation of PALM. We have a lot of ministry to do together. But wherever our journey together leads us it will be made possible because our hearts beat as one toward those who are imprisoned in the darkness of illiteracy and because we have a foundation of friendship and trust.
May God continue to bless our partner and kindred spirit.
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