Saturday, July 15, 2006

LEI – ForeRunner (Prayer Partner)

Literacy & Evangelism International (LEI) believes in the power of prayer and is blessed to have a significant partnership in the foundational work of prayer. The covering of prayer is so evident it led Joan Lovekin to comment, “I could feel the covering of prayer when I walked through the door” of the LEI office. We at LEI are deeply appreciative of prayer support we receive and would like to offer an opportunity for our current prayer partners and others to consider taking prayer to a deeper level.

“And when he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” (Some manuscripts add…and fasting) John 9: 28-29

The manuscripts that add “and fasting” to the text were all written by the early church fathers. I believe the later addition was based upon the early church experiencing the enhanced power that comes through the combination of prayer and fasting.

I believe that God may be calling some of you to become what I like to call…
LEI – ForeRunners, prayer partners that go ahead of LEI missionaries around the world by doing the following:

1. Praying daily using the LEI bimonthly prayer calendar

2. Joining LEI staff in prayer and fasting the 1st Friday of each month

3. Setting aside the savings from fasting to support LEI

I like the philosophy of “don’t ask don’t tell” when it comes to fasting. Even though we declare a day of fasting every month at LEI, there is no pressure or inventory taken during or after the event. It’s a discipline that allows one to offer a sacrifice solely in the presence of God. It allows one to be more sensitive to those who are hungry physically and spiritually. When I feel a pang of hunger during a fast, I’m reminded that there are those who hunger and thirst after God’s Word but can not read it for themselves.

If this opportunity resonates with you, let us know. We would love to hear from you. But whether you want to take the three steps of a LEI – ForeRunner or simply want to simply cover us with your prayers; we will be forever grateful for your faithfulness to the foundational work of prayer for LEI. The complexion of this world and the very face of heaven will be forever changed because you have decided to pray.

THANK YOU for going ahead of LEI missionaries around the world through your prayers.

On my knees with you in the house of prayer, Sid Rice

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