It's a Wonderful Wednesday!
Many wonderful things are happening during this fifth week of ILTI training. Tedd, Emily and Ian Lodes visited with Mrs. Alice Rice, wife of Rev. Bob Rice who was the founder of Literacy and Evangelism International. Tedd is LEI's Latin American Director and the ILTI coordinator this year. Emily is our graphics designer and teacher. Tedd traveled with Dr. Rice on his final missionary journey around the world in 2002. For this reason and for others Mrs. Rice thinks of Tedd as one of her sons. She always looks forward to the special treat of having Tedd, Emily and Ian visit.
Bible Study
Today's Bible study of Daniel 4:28-37 was led by Tania, from Bulgaria. We observed how Daniel's interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream came true. The king boasted one day of the wonderful kingdom he had built for himself totally forgetting that God Most High had chosen him as ruler of Babylon. Immediately, the king became as a wild animal for seven "times" before he came to his senses and gave glory to God Most High for all the Lord had done for him. When the king finally prayed and glorified God, his mind was healed and his kingdom was restored to him and more. It is good for us to remember that all good things come from the Lord. "Praise and honor the King who rules from heaven! Everything he does is honest and fair, and he shattered the power of those who are proud. " (Daniel 4:37, CEV)
Primer Construction
(pictured here Emmanuel, Innocent, Gregory Bangura - LEI West Africa Director, David, and Helena)
Classroom instruction continues as students learn the intricacies of constructing a primer in an international language. It is detailed and intense work. The project begins with many hours of advanced preparations (selection of the team, completion of language data, translation of pre-written materials, preparations of the meeting facility). Then comes the actual Primer Construction Workshop. This is usually a two week endeavor in which experts gather in-country from around the world to create a primer's first draft. It is an all consuming task. All lessons are created at this time. Easy-to-read Bible stories and health and agriculture lessons are written, illustrations are drawn, and the manuscript draft is finished. Following the two week intensive work, the manuscript is carefully edited by one of the LEI literacy consultants and revisions are made. At this point the manuscript still needs to be polished, field tested and published before it is placed in the hands of willing teachers and leaners. After leaning about the process one becomes ever so more appreciative of the completed product and the team work that is involved in its creation.(pictured here Emmanuel, Innocent, Gregory Bangura - LEI West Africa Director, David, and Helena)
These photos were taken during a primer construction workshop. The team is working on the Mende and Temne primers in Sierra Leone, West Africa. To watch a video about primer construction please see
Chapel Time
Thank you to Julie Hughes (LEI Board of Trustees), Diane Baker, and the other ladies from their "growth group" and Redeemer Covenant Church for making lunch for our ILTI students today. What a blessing this act of service is to all.
posted by Christa
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